
How to Grow Hair Faster|Green Superfoods for Fast Hair Growth|Hum Nutrition Raw Beauty➝CONECIA

This is kanesha if you’re new here welcome, if you’re an oldie but a goodie welcome back in today’s article guys it’s another, why it works Wednesday. Today’s article going to talk about a product that is probably going to help the one thing that is missing in your hair growth journey, but for most of us the main thing that’s missing is that we have a really bad diet.

We don’t have a good diet or there’s things that we’re missing, that we’re not eating and should be eating or things that we are eating and should not be eating because, like I always always say, hair growth starts from the inside out. So if you find that you’re in a space where you know you’re not getting enough nutrients you’re, not getting enough greens you’ll realize that things like your hair skin and your nails will start to suffer.

Definitely your hair will suffer if your diet sucks Point Blank period. So what I want to talk about today is by humm nutrition. It’s the raw Beauty, green superfood powder. So this powder is so amazing because it has raw greens, adaptogens enzymes, probiotics, like all the things that your body is probably missing, because you’re not eating. It is in here like it’s so so so amazing and the reason why this would work with helping your hair growth is because by managing what it is that you’re putting inside of your body, you’re, essentially managing what will come out so anytime.

You are lacking something either you feel like your hair is weak, it’s brittle, it’s not growing or it grows, and it breaks check yourself when it comes to your diet, check yourself and see okay, what is it that I’m eating? What is it that I’m putting in my body? Because food has a huge impact on our hair’s growth and for most of us were so busy that you know if we didn’t have time to meal prep on Sunday before the work week, because I know that happens to me all the times, then you can throw This in your smoothie, if you don’t have time to make a smoothie, you take a scoop of it and you put it in your juice in water and if they come in many different flavors.

The one I have is coconut and pineapples with tropical infusion, and it actually does taste pretty good. I do like the taste of it. It has really amazing reviews on the home website. So, if you don’t believe me, you can check that or go google. I wanted to quickly share with you what it actually says on the home website, so it says this is the raw beauty tropical. It helps to boost your energy rating skin and metabolism.

It has 30 plus superfoods healthy alternatives for your afternoon. Sweet cravings. It’s naturally tropical leaf, flavored and detox powder. It’s an antioxidant has adaptogens enzymes, probiotics fruits and vegetables, and this is the 30 day serving it has a five-star rating on the website. So I’ll tell you some of the ingredients that are in here and as I’m listing off the ingredients, make note of all these greens, you can even look it up and see how it will be beneficial.

Most of these greens are antioxidants, they’re things that help to cleanse out all the bad bacteria in our body and that’s why adding greens into our routine really really helps when it comes to hair growth. It includes organic barley, grass, organic wheat grass, organic chlorella, spirulina, alfalfa, grass juice, licorice, root powder ginseng powder ashwagandha, which is an adaptogen you. Sarah root arose a arutz flax, seed powder, inulin astrologists root, apple pectin, organic broccoli, powder, organic blueberry powder, spinach powder, kale powder carrot, powder beet, root powder, ginger, root powder, cocoa, acai powder, goji powder, organic Moringa powder, grape seed extract matcha green seats at a bunch of Digestive enzymes there’s so many like the list is extensive on all the different types of enzymes and five billion probiotic blends are in here.

Organic coconut palm sugar is how they sweeten it pineapple extracts and organic coconut water powder. Oh, that is a mouthful, but just imagine going to the grocery store and picking up all of those greens and putting them in your basket. How likely is it that you’re going to actually do that, but that is what our body needs. That’s why something like this? Having a powder like this, it’s super super helpful because you’re getting all of those greens and it gives you your daily serving and your skin is going to start to glow.

Your hair is going to start to feel soft and shiny, and it’s good when it grows. It’s going to start to stay and it’s not going to break it’s not going to be brittle. I love love, love, this stuff, I’ll, read here the directions it says to mix a one scoop into eight ounces of water or milk. This says we love it with our almond milk or your favorite smoothie or non citrus juice. It is pure and potent non-gmo gluten-free soy, free, sustainably sourced and no artificial, colors or flavors.

I would say, if you’re looking for a way to get your greens in, I would definitely definitely definitely highly suggest that you can mister try and it will definitely work with helping your hair growth and the reason why it works is because it’s packed with greens. It’s packed with antioxidants is packed with enzymes, biotics that your body needs in order to supplement things like your hair growth, but that’s it guys.

I just wanted to come on really quickly and share this product with you of why it works. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to leave them down below I’ll, be more than happy to get to them. For you and don’t forget to like comment and share this article and if you aren’t already go ahead and click that subscribe button. I’ll see you in the next one